Taking your Business to the Next Level

I want to start this post by commenting on what a bada** Ashley Altum is (sorry for the poor grammar). She is the definition of a #bossbabe and she’s also freaking fun!

I (Colleen Lotz, co-host of The Funny Money Show) feel so lucky to have crossed paths with her! A brief synopsis about Ashley, and we’ll get more into detail on a later date, but Ashley gained massive business success at a young age, we’re talking before 30 she was making LOTS of money. I’m not sure about you, but I was definitely partying a little too much and loving my 20’s in a different way so hats off to Ashley! She did so well, she literally could have retired before the age of 30 (meanwhile, I was spending all my money at Nordstrom wondering why I couldn’t pay my rent…) Ashley was on top of the business world, but then made an investment that went poorly. She took all of her money and invested in a business that quite frankly, and she will admit this, she shouldn’t have. She owns this mistake and I think I respect her more for admitting her failure and learning from it. She could have given up, but instead she learned, she talked to mentors, and now is growing a thriving business, Profit Matters

I tell you all of this because in this episode we’re talking about Ashley’s 3 keys to business success and I want you to know why she is such an incredible resource on this topic. Through her own experiences and also through conversations with a myriad of CEO’s and Presidents, Ashley knows what it takes for a business to succeed. 

Check out the FULL EPISODE 

Looking for more information on this topic? Ashley’s recent BLOG POST has all you could want!  

So what are Ashley’s 3 Keys to Business Success? People, Industry Expertise, and Discipline. Today we’re discussing the first key- People

The people and the culture you build make or break your business. This might seem obvious, but it’s more than just having great people, it’s also about building an environment where these great employees want to work. 


  • Having the right people on your team depends on what these people know, how motivated they are, and the culture you form
  • If you have a strong culture, you will attract the type of person you want working for you
  • One person can attribute to a business’ success or failure-if a person is wrong, get rid of them IMMEDIATELY
  • Entrepreneurs Operating System: CEO works with 3 people- Sales, Operations, Finance–if you get these 3 people right, their combined knowledge and how well they work together will make or break your team
  • Truly good people know their worth and demand higher salaries–give it to them
  • If you know you need someone on your team, spend a lot of time looking for that right person
  • You cannot create a great culture without defining it ahead of time
  • A person should be able to feel and describe a company’s culture
  • People on your team should care about each other and also enjoy what they’re doing

Bottom line, hire the people you want. If you make a mistake in your hiring, to be blunt..that person has to go! Surround yourself and your business with great people who buy into the culture you have set into place and your business is sure to succeed. 

Be sure to join us next week as we discuss Key #2: Industry Expertise!

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