5 Tips for Employee Engagement and Retention

The best teams are magic. Roles and personalities complement each other. The whole becomes greater than the part. Performance soars. Profits increase.

Finally, there’s a scientific way to design high-performing teams with predictability.

Meet The Predictive Index Talent Optimization Platform!

At Profit Matters, we partner with and use The Predictive Index tool to design the best teams, hire the best talent, inspire employees and measure engagement. Other great resources that The Predictive Index provides us is their inspiration, tips & tricks and their blog content. Recently, we came across a great article that we felt would be helpful to all employers!

5 Tips for Employee Engagement and Retention by The Predictive Index:

*A 2013 Gallup study showed that nearly 9 out of 10 workers are either just going through the motions of their jobs or are actively looking for a new one. Engaged employees tend to be significantly more productive, less likely to leave, and deliver better quality of work, which is all tied to the bottom line.

The following are five best practices for organizations to maximize employee engagement and retention of top talent.

1.Design Jobs with Growth Opportunities.

People flourish in environments that support learning and development with continuous skill growth as part of the overall package. When creating job descriptions, articulate a clear path to promotion, as well as opportunities to work on teams, receive feedback from others, and grow outside of the organization.

2.Monitor Job Satisfaction.

A consistent finding within organization psychology is that satisfied employees are less likely to leave. Monitor employee satisfaction with frequency using both quantitative and qualitative means.

3.Maximize “Employee Embeddedness.”

Evaluate the level of connection each employee has with the organization and job, including fit in the workplace, richness of personal connections, and what a person would have to give up if they left. The more embedded the employee, the more likely they will stay.

4.Manage Early Interactions.

New impressions are formed fast, and events that occur in the first hours and days can strongly predict turnover six to 12 months later. It is best to provide clear and early communication about culture and values, combined with frequent check-ins from multiple sources.

5.Develop Great Leaders.

Employees want leaders who are committed for the long haul and to the growth of their teams. A significant predictor of employee retention is the longevity of the employee’s direct manager.

Companies can minimize churn by taking proactive steps – ultimately saving the company costly salary and training expenses. As trusted advisors for nearly 60 years, The Predictive Index and the experienced consultants at their member firms have helped more than 8,000 organizations around the glob utilize workforce analytics to create high-performing work environments that keep employees engaged and productive.

To learn more about The Predictive Index go to www.predictiveindex.com or schedule a FREE demo with Profit Matters!

Interested in knowing more about how employee engagement and retention can help drive profit growth for your business?

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