A Small Business Guide to Surviving the Coronavirus Shutdown

If you run a non-essential business, you’re likely feeling the bitter effects of the coronavirus shutdown. And you’re not alone!

Small businesses across the country are navigating difficult decisions due to the pandemic, making drastic changes to their daily operations to keep their revenue flowing. While this is bound to be a stressful time for you, there are several steps you can take to keep your business moving forward. Here are some great resources to help you out!

Try New Things

This is a great time to innovate your company with new sales channels and marketing strategies. Here are some resources to consider.

  • Help your business adapt to the new normal by offering new services and supporting remote work for your employees.
  • Enhance your business website with new features, like customer testimonials or a blog.
  • Hire a freelancer SEO writer through reputable and trusted online job boards such as Upwork to help your website rank higher in search results.
  • Focus on content marketing to maintain a positive relationship with your customers.

Find Quick Ways to Drive Revenue

If your storefront is closed, you may be missing a huge chunk of revenue. So, try to fill the gaps with these short-term revenue drivers.

Use the Shutdown to Make Store Improvements

Prepare your brick-and-mortar store for a grand reopening by making some impactful upgrades.

Whether you’ve been forced to lay off employees or close your store completely, the pandemic likely spells bad news for your business. But try to look on the bright side! This is a great chance to try out new sales strategies, boost your online presence, get your employees comfortable with remote work, and make upgrades to your retail store.

Photo via Rawpixel
Article Credit Elena Stewart

Interested in finding quick ways to drive revenue for your company?

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