Attract New Talent With These 5 Unique Employee Benefits

If you’re trying to fill several roles at your company and boost employee retention rates, it’s time to think about offering new benefits. Using a streamlined accounting program like ProfitMatters can help you figure out which perks you can afford to add to your benefits package. You do not have to stick with standard benefits – instead, think about how you can differentiate yourself from other employers. Your employees will appreciate these innovative offerings!

Fun Perks

Sometimes, giving out fun, unexpected surprises to your employees can work wonders for morale. For instance, you might want to reward team members with gift cards if they’ve gone above and beyond, and you can even host giveaways with exciting prizes around the holidays. Furthermore, you can give out tickets to sporting events in your area so that your employees can cheer for their favorite teams, like the Houston Astros. By ordering Astros tickets in bulk through a platform like TickPick, you will be able to save money and snag tickets to regular-season games and spring training.

On-Site Wellness Programs

Even if you’re running a small business, you can turn your office space into a wellness oasis! For instance, you might want to bring in a yoga teacher to host a class on Fridays. You could also invest a masseuse to offer on-site massages as a special perk once per month. And if you’re in the process of expanding to a larger office space, you could even consider investing in an office gym down the road.


New hires are always curious about professional development opportunities. By giving your staff the opportunity to participate in a structured coaching program, you can demonstrate that your company is ready to go the extra mile to support their growth. To effectively coach your employees, Insperity recommends planning out coaching initiatives based on the end result you want your employees to achieve, like mastering a particular software program or being prepared to lead a major project.

Mental Health Support

For too long, people who struggled with their mental health suffered in silence. Today, the conversation around mental health has progressed, and there isn’t such a strong stigma associated with seeking therapy. But many people do not have the means to get help when they need it. 

As an employer, you can go above and beyond for your team by choosing health insurance plans that include coverage for counseling and other essential mental health services. GoodPath also recommends talking openly to your employees about any mental health coverage benefits in their plans – lots of people don’t familiarize themselves with their exact benefits until they need help. You can be proactive by discussing these details with your team in advance.

Management Retreats

Sometimes, it’s a good idea to step away from the office and tackle your new projects with a change of scenery. If your budget allows for it, you may want to host a management retreat. Remember, you don’t have to go far – if you’re a small business with a limited budget, you could plan a day trip close to home! Management retreats give your higher-ups the chance to brainstorm new ideas and work without the distractions that are present in the office. Your team will leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated!

When candidates interview with your company, they’re not just interested in the salary and company culture. They also care deeply about the benefits they’ll receive in exchange for their labor. By including exciting new benefits, you can bring in top talent and ensure your employees feel valued.

Seeking an accounting solution for your business? ProfitMatters can help you simplify your accounting processes. Book a free discovery call today to get started!

Photo via Pexels

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